Frequently Asked Question

How do I manage file or folder permissions in the Document Library?
Last Updated 10 years ago

Prior to setting up a Document Library on your site and as you continue to add documents it is important to consider how Permissions are given and who is able to access content housed in your site.

The best approach to assigning permissions is to view the document library like a family tree. You start out with the main document library folder of a site and then within that folder there are various folders and files all structured differently. 

To get started follow the steps below.

  1. You will need to have Manager level access of a site in order to change permissions on a folder or file.
  2. Navigate to the desired content that you want to change the permissions on.
  3. You can hover your cursor over the file or folder to display more options about that item. Click on More
  4. You then will click on Manage Permissions
This next screen shot shows Inherit Permissions and Add User/Group in the top right corner.


Adding People
To add a user click on Add User/Group and enter there name in the search bar.  From there you can decide what level of access that they should have.

Keep in mind that due to Inheriting Permissions it is quite possible that a folder added later in the process may or may not be accessible to future visitors.  Be sure to plan your folder structure accordingly and double check your permissions.

Let's say that you have a file or folder that you only want certain people to be able to access or view. You would remove the Inherit Permissions and then Add User/Group to assign the individual access to that file or folder. You then would give the level of access that they need. (Manager, Collaborator, Contributor, Consumer)

NOTE: Once you are done with your changes click on Save at the bottom of the page.  Changes are not saved until you have done so.

If you need help or aren't sure how to set the permissions on a file please submit a ticket and we will work with you to ensure permissions are properly assigned on your site.

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